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On Monday, 19 June 2023, the National Cyber and Information Security Agency (NÚKIB) hosted an online roundtable called the Prague Cyber Security Meeting, this year's version of the traditional Prague Cyber Security Conference. The event was divided into two thematic blocks, attended by representatives from two dozen countries and the European Commission. Private sector representatives also gave short presentations at the beginning of each session. At the end of the program, participants were informed of the date of the next Prague conference, which will take place on 19 and 20 March 2024. The meeting aimed to open up essential topics for discussion, such as the risks associated with artificial intelligence or the private sector's possible involvement in cyber incidents.

Lukáš Kintr, the Director of the NÚKIB, opened the online meeting: "Keeping abreast of the latest technological advances, including new and disruptive technologies, is essential for the international community. It is a struggle we cannot afford to ignore if we want to remain secure, resilient, and effective in addressing cybersecurity challenges." In his speech, the Director Lukáš Kintr said that the public sector faces many security challenges while being equipped with very limited capabilities.

The speech of the Director was followed by the first topical session, which focused on the impact of Emerging Disruptive Technologies on cyber security, mainly Artificial Intelligence. Country representatives discussed the impact of AI on the risk-based approach and the new opportunities that these technologies bring to cybersecurity solutions. Present government representatives further debated which Emerging Disruptive Technologies beyond AI are most influencing when it comes to the national approaches to cybersecurity.

The second topical part of the meeting focused on private sector involvement in dealing with significant cyber incidents, especially those within critical or strategically important infrastructure. During this part, private sector representatives had input and brought a different perspective to the discussion with government representatives. Governmental participants then discussed the extent to which the private sector should be present in incident response or the most beneficial framework for such collaboration.

Pavel Štěpáník, Deputy Director of the Strategic Affairs and Engagement Division, also participated in both panels on behalf of the NÚKIB in the Prague studio. At the end of the program, he thanked all participants for their involvement and contributions. The Director of the NÚKIB, Lukáš Kintr, finally concluded with his closing remarks: "We should all work on increasing our resilience in cyberspace and beyond. As I said before, we cannot slow down our efforts to strengthen our cyber diligence or get carried away by a false sense of security."