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September 24, 2021 Regulation of the Use of Cloud Computing by Public Authority in the Czech Republic. Available to download here.
August 24, 2021
The Decree No 316/2021 Coll. on some requirements for incorporation into the cloud computing catalogue. The English translation can be downloaded here.
August 24, 2021
The Decree No 315/2021 Coll. on on security levels for the use of cloud computing by public authorities. The English translation can be downloaded here.
May 21, 2018 The Decree No 82/2018 Coll. on Security Measures, Cybersecurity Incidents, Reactive Measures, Cybersecurity Reporting Requirements, and Data Disposal (the Cybersecurity Decree). The English translation can be downloaded here.
December 8, 2017 The Decree No 437/2017 Coll. on the criteria for the determination of an operator of essential service came into force. The English translation can be downloaded here.
August 06, 2022 The amendment of the Act No 181/2014 Coll. on Cyber Security. The English translation of the amended Act can be downloaded here.
July 1, 2016 The amendment of the Decree No 317/2014 Coll. on important information systems and their determination criteria takes effect. The English translation can be downloaded here.
January 1, 2015 The Act No 181/2014 Coll. on Cyber Security takes effect together with implementing regulations. 
December 19, 2014 On 19 December 2014 the regulations implementing the Act No 181/2014 Coll. on Cyber Security and change of related acts were published in the Collection of Laws:
August 29, 2014 The Act No 181/2014 Coll. on Cyber Security and change of related acts (Act on Cyber Security) has been published in the Collection of Laws on August 29, 2014. It will take effect on January 1, 2015.
August 13, 2014 The president of the Czech Republic Mr Miloš Zeman signed The Act on Cyber Security and change of related acts ("Act on Cyber Security").
The Act on Cyber Security will come into force on the day of publication in the Collection of Laws and will take effect on 1st January 2015.
July 23, 2014 The Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic adopted The Act on Cyber Security and change of related acts on July 23, 2014. The Act proposal will be now forwarded to the president of the Czech Republic for signature. The legislative text adopted by the Senate is available to download here.
June 18, 2014 The chamber of deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic adopted The Act on Cyber Security and change of related acts in 3rd reading on the 18th June 2014. The Act proposal will be now forwarded to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic for further hearings and adoption.
January 3, 2014 The Government of the Czech Republic approved on Thursday, January 2, 2014 the draft of The Act on Cyber Security and change of related acts ("Act on Cyber Security"). The draft of the Act was prepared and introduced by the National Security Authority. The draft of the Act will be introduced for further legislative negotiations to the Parliament of the Czech Republic.
June 28, 2013 The National Security Authority introduced on the 28th June 2013 to the Government of the Czech Republic the Act on Cyber Security and change of related acts (hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Cyber Security"). The draft of the Act can be downloaded here. The Act will now be addressed by the working committees of the Legislative Council of the Government and then the draft will be debated by the Government.
April 15, 2013 On the 15th April 2013, the NSA sent the draft of the Act on Cyber Security to the inter-ministerial consultation procedure (draft of the Act can be downloaded here).
The NSA prepared a draft of the Act on Cyber Security on the basis of the Decision of the Government of the Czech Republic No 382 of 30 May 2012.The draft was created by an expert committee headed by the NSA and composed of representatives of the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defense, Czech Telecommunication Office and other relevant institutions. At the beginning of 2013, the NSA consulted the draft for two months with the expert public.
The Act on Cyber Security is "based" on two principles and three pillars. The first principle is to minimize the interference with the rights of private persons; the second is the principle of individual responsibility for the security of respective information systems. The three pillars are as follows: 1. Security measures (standardization), 2. Cyber security incidents notice, 3. Countermeasures, it means response to incidents.
The draft of the Act allows for two supervisory units - national and governmental. National CSIRT is meant for private and academic sectors, Governmental CERT for state institutions and critical information infrastructure.
After the completion of the evaluation of the consultation procedure, the NSA plans to submit to the Government of the Czech Republic the Act on Cyber Security, including the draft of implementing regulations, for approval, at the end of June this year.
May 30, 2012 Since October 2011, the NSA has prepared a legislative intent of the Act, which was approved by the Decision of the Government of the Czech Republic No 382 of 30 May 2012. The approval will be followed by a period of consultations of particular expert issues. Work on paragraph wording of the Act will last until mid-2013.
October 19, 2011 In its Decision No 781 of 19 October 2011, the Government of the Czech Republic established the NSA to be the body responsible for cyber security and the national authority in this field. The Government approved the establishment of the National Cyber Security Centre as a part of the NSA. It also established the Cyber Security Council. The National Cyber Security Center as a part of the NSA is obliged to create a new Act on Cyber Security.